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When you finally decide to undergo the breast procedure you have always wanted, you want to prepare properly. Proper preparation before surgery is the best way to ensure effective results. However, when people think of getting ready for surgery, they often think of things like planning to take time off work, not things like getting their body to its ideal weight. However, losing or maintaining a stable weight is a vital part of preparing for breast procedures.
To get the most out of your breast surgery, it is important to maintain a healthy, stable weight before and after the procedure.

Why Do I Need to Be at My Ideal Weight Before Surgery?
Before undergoing breast surgery, you should be at your ideal weight. This will help make sure that your new breasts proportionately fit your body. For example, if you undergo breast augmentation and later decide you want to lose weight, your breasts may not be the right size for your body frame. Additionally, the weight loss may cause your breast tissue to sag, which will only be further pronounced with heavy implants.
Additionally, patients interested in breast reduction surgery may be able to reduce their breasts naturally by shedding a few pounds.
Any weight fluctuation affects the breasts — both size-wise and elevation on the chest. Being at a realistic goal weight is the best way to get a clear picture of your starting point, and it allows Dr. Mabourakh to fully understand your needs for surgery. That way, he can create a personalized surgical plan to help you achieve your ideal appearance.
How Do I Know if I Am at the Right Weight?
Everyone’s body is different, and everyone has different weight-loss goals. Unfortunately, there is no “right weight” to reach before breast surgery. You, with the help of your doctor, will need to determine the best weight for you.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Mabourakh will perform a physical evaluation to determine if you are the right candidate for the breast surgery you are interested in. If he believes you may benefit from losing weight before surgery, that will be discussed at your consultation.
The “right weight” before surgery will be one that is healthy based on your body type and height. You will want to feel comfortable and pleased with your weight because significant weight gain or loss after surgery may negatively affect your results.
Weight Loss Tips
If you find out you need to lose weight before your surgery, you may feel discouraged. Losing weight is not easy for everyone, and it can even seem impossible. However, following these easy tips may make it easier for you to shed those extra pounds.
Eat in a Calorie Deficit
Eating in a caloric deficit means eating fewer calories in a day than your body naturally burns. A calorie deficit is one of the fastest, most effective ways to lose weight. Please contact your primary doctor to determine how many calories you should be eating every day.
Exercise for 30 Minutes Per Day
While exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, many of us have hectic schedules, making it impossible to find time to go to the gym. However, you can exercise for 30 minutes a day even by staying at home. Whether it be a brisk walk around the neighborhood or following an exercise video, start your weight-loss journey off by getting your body moving.
Drink Water
Water is necessary for the body to metabolize fat. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help boost your metabolism and keep you full longer.
If you feel that you have tried everything, but cannot lose weight, contact your primary physician. There could be an underlying condition preventing you from losing weight.
Interested in Learning More?
If you are interested in learning about how you can be a candidate for breast surgery, please contact Dr. Mabourakh at our Folsom office at (916) 984-8585 or our Stockton office at (209) 464-5656. You can also fill out our contact form.