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FOLSOM: 916-984-8585    STOCKTON: 209-464-5656

Fight Back Against Sun Damage

Posted October 22, 2018 in Cynosure® Icon™

Sun exposure is the primary cause of visible aging on your skin. It’s estimated that the sun is responsible for up to 80 percent of fine lines and wrinkles that form over the course of your life. Beyond the lines, sun damage also causes changes in your skin’s pigmentation, rapid reduction in your skin’s elasticity, and the breakdown of your skin’s texture. This damage is caused by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are present any time you step out into the sun. Unfortunately, while the warmth of the sun feels great against your skin and is a natural way to achieve necessary levels of vitamin D, there is no amount of sun exposure that is safe; even a healthy-looking tan is still a sign of damage. And while a little sun here and there when you’re young may seem harmless, you can still pay the price for that tan down the line.

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If your skin is starting to show age spots and premature wrinkling, sun damage is likely to blame. At this point, we can use a combination of medical grade skin care products and a more aggressive treatment with microneedling and laser options. Laser resurfacing is one of the ways to treat this damage. Dr. Mabourakh’s office is happy to offer their patients treatment with the Cynosure® Icon™ system.

What Is Cynosure® Icon™?

This laser offers relief for sun damaged skin with its unique ThreeForMe™ option. This technology targets sun damage, wrinkles, and facial veins simultaneously through the use of intense pulsed light (IPL) and microbeam laser technology.

This treatment occurs in two stages:

  • The first pass is performed using the IPL and targets discoloration caused by sun damage. This includes age spots, brown spots, other pigmentation changes, and the appearance of facial veins.
  • The second pass uses a microbeam laser that stimulates collagen and elastin production, which results in the improvement of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin texture irregularities.

After the numbing cream is applied and allowed to take effect, this treatment takes less than 45 minutes to complete. The majority of our patients feel minimal to no discomfort during their procedure. Redness and swelling are common as well as a “coffee ground” look to your pigmentation in the following days but will fade with time. Dr. Mabourakh’s office may recommend multiple treatment sessions if the level of sun damage is significant.

With repeated treatments and continued sun protection, you can take a step toward reversing the damage that the sun has caused. After your procedure, be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen and cover your face with hats and sunglasses whenever possible. While it may seem difficult to avoid the sun, especially in California, it is vital to the health and quality of your skin.

If you would like to learn more about the Cynosure® Icon™ or its ThreeForMe™ option, contact Dr. Mabourakh at his Folsom office at (916) 984-8585, or his Stockton office at (209) 464-5656 to set up a consultation.

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