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FOLSOM: 916-984-8585    STOCKTON: 209-464-5656

Minimal Incisions Can Make Big Differences

Posted June 11, 2018 in Endoscopic Brow Lift

We all live busy lives. Often, it feels as though we can’t find five minutes to sit down and breath, let alone enough time to make it through a recovery period for facial cosmetic surgery. For patients who fall into this category, endoscopic facial procedures are available as alternatives to the traditional brow lift.

Elegant middle aged woman posing with woolen warm scarf

Endoscopic procedures have been performed by Dr. Mabourakh for over 10 years. With this technique, small incisions (less than 1/2 inch) are made, and a small camera is inserted into the incisions. This method allows Dr. Mabourakh to release and excise only the necessary facial tissue beneath the outer layer of the skin.

Shorter Recovery Time

A traditional brow lift surgery requires one to two weeks of recovery with limited activity. Endoscopic brow lift surgery needs less than that considering only minimal incisions are made. These incisions result in less bruising, swelling, and bleeding, which are the reasons for an extended recovery period. With endoscopic facial surgery, you will find yourself returning to work and your regular routine before you know it.

Less Scarring

A traditional brow lift requires an incision across the entire hairline. Although every effort is made to make these incisions as inconspicuous as possible, there will be a scar wherever there is an incision. Endoscopic procedures, on the other hand, require shorter incisions, which means less scarring that is more discreetly placed.

Fewer Risks

Although every surgical procedure comes with some risk, endoscopic facial procedures are less risky than their traditional approach counterparts. Because of the minimal incisions, there is less risk of nerve damage and sensory loss, as well as less bleeding and bruising from the procedure.

What Can Endoscopic Procedures Do for You?

An endoscopic brow lift procedure can provide you with a solution to fine lines and wrinkles throughout your face, improve frown lines that develop between the eyebrows, and create a more rested, youthful appearance by correcting facial sagging that is affecting the integrity of your eyelids. Since the incisions are minimal and made around the hairline, all of these effects can be achieved with little to no visible scarring.

For more information or to find out if you are a candidate for endoscopic facial surgery, contact Dr. Mabourakh today by calling our Folsom office at (916) 984-8585 or our Stockton office at (209) 464-5656 to set up a consultation.

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